Privacy Policy MANU Touristik GmbH

Dear customers, our company is taking data protection seriously and has implemented the requirements of the Federal Data Protection Act (Switzerland) and, where applicable, the EU Data Protection Regulation (DSVGO).

With this data protection declaration we inform you which personal data we process in connection with our activities and operations, including our Website. In particular, we provide information what personal data we process, for what purpose, how and where. We also provide information about the rights of persons whose data we process.

Individual or additional activities and operations may be subject to further data protection declarations as well as other legal documents such as general terms and conditions (GTC), terms of use or conditions of participation.

We are subject to Swiss data protection law and applicable foreign data protection law, in particular that of the European Union (EU) with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The European Commission recognises that Swiss data protection law ensures adequate data protection.

Contact address

Responsibility for the processing of personal data:

MANU Touristik GmbH
Comercialstrasse 20
CH-7000 Chur

The full privacy policy can be found here: Privacy agreement